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dib can execute tests suites to make assertions on images that it just built. This is useful to prevent regressions, and ensure everything work as expected at runtime.


Goss is a YAML-based serverspec alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration. dib runs a container from the image to test, and injects the goss binary and configuration, then execute the test itself.

To get started with goss tests, follow the steps below:

  1. Install goss locally (for local builds only)

    Follow the procedure from the official docs

  2. Ensure the goss tests are enabled in configuration:

    # .dib.yaml
      - goss

  3. Create a goss.yaml file next to the Dockerfile of the image to test

    ├── Dockerfile
    └── goss.yaml

  4. Add some assertions in the goss.yaml Basic Example:

      'check "hello-world" version':
        exec: 'hello-world --version'
        exit-status: 0
        - '/^hello-world version [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ linux\/amd64$/'

Read the Goss documentation to learn all possible assertions.