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dib build

Run docker images builds


dib build will compute the graph of images, and compare it to the last built state.

For each image, if any file part of its docker context has changed, the image will be rebuilt. Otherwise, dib will create a new tag based on the previous tag.

dib build [flags]


  -b, --backend string             Build Backend used to run image builds. Supported backends: [docker kaniko] (default "docker")
      --build-arg argument=value   argument=value to supply to the builder
      --dry-run                    Simulate what would happen without actually doing anything dangerous.
      --force-rebuild              Forces rebuilding the entire image graph, without regarding if the target version already exists.
  -h, --help                       help for build
      --include-tests strings      List of test runners to exclude during the test phase.
      --local-only                 Build docker images locally, do not push on remote registry
      --no-graph                   Disable generation of graph during the build process.
      --no-retag                   Disable re-tagging images after build. Note that temporary tags with the "dev-" prefix may still be pushed to the registry.
      --no-tests                   Disable execution of tests (unit tests, scans, etc...) after the build.
      --rate-limit int             Concurrent number of builds that can run simultaneously (default 1)
      --release dib.extra-tags     Enable release mode to tag all images with extra tags found in the dib.extra-tags Dockerfile labels.
      --reports-dir string         Path to the directory where the reports are generated. (default "reports")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --build-path string            Path to the directory containing all Dockerfiles to be built by dib. Every Dockerfile will be recursively 
                                     found and added to the build graph. You can provide any subdirectory if you want to focus on a reduced set of images, 
                                     as long as it has at least one Dockerfile in it. (default "docker")
      --config string                config file (default is $HOME/.config/.dib.yaml)
      --hash-list-file-path string   Path to custom hash list file that will be used to humanize hash
  -l, --log-level string             Log level. Can be any standard log-level ("info", "debug", etc...) (default "info")
      --placeholder-tag string       Tag used as placeholder in Dockerfile "from" statements, and replaced internally by dib during builds 
                                     to use the latest tags from parent images. In release mode, all images will be tagged with the placeholder tag, so 
                                     Dockerfiles are always valid (images can still be built even without using dib). (default "latest")
      --registry-url string          Docker registry URL where images are stored. (default "")


  • dib - An Opinionated Docker Image Builder
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 18-Dec-2024